Welcome to Zairesinatra's Blog
Preface 前言
Welcome to the frontend charging station of ZS. I am Ziyi Xie, a frontend developer, and working towards the full-stack. I am addicted to learn from the essence of the problem, and hate difficult and obscure descriptions.
欢迎来到 ZS 的 frontend 充电站。我是谢子逸,frontend 开发者,正向全栈的方向努力。喜欢博采众长研究问题的本质,讨厌艰深晦涩的描述。
Contents of this site 本站内容
- Learning record 学习记录
- BUG resolution BUG解决
- Open source power 助力开源
- Other 其他
Tools 工具
remain calm, stay tuned!
Contact 联系